Friday, December 26, 2008

Sea breeze ; a temporary escape.


In remembrance.



This shield is starting to break ; with cracks appearing ; after constant challengers

The furthest i can run, beyond the sea , a temporary screen ; visualising home,with flashbacks of sweetest memories, for as long as possible

and back to reality when time is up.

Take care brothers back home. =)

Monday, December 22, 2008

another chance ; on condition though.

Got screwed again, and again ; big time, quite big actually =)
Photos from now on, thats it

08' kitchen photo
and JR is the one in the middle.

Quinn's a nice CHICKEN! =)

smoked salmon w sesame rice paper.

Hardworking Korean kitchen hand song and kira's last day

Herb brothers

X'mas secret santa gift exchange; a catus =)
Question of the day :
Is compassion a sign of weakness ?
Word of the day:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

headchef's ROM

Eugene's ROM


Happily married

With beatrice's sister

Relunctant to kiss

Collin street

Went over to Fitzoy garden for more photoshoots.




In his arms

Still pissed with sundays ; very pissed